He is God. He is my God
He is my father; my comforter;
My deliverer; my King
He is my defender;
My wall of protection
The repairer of all that the devil has destroyed;

He is my Lord

He rules over the affairs of my home and life;
He is my lover; He is my husband;
He is my friend; my able companion;
He is my prayer band leader;
My authour;
My joy; my peace; my strength
My teacher – He corrects me when I err
He rebukes me of my foolish thoughts and actions
He is the God of the whole earth
The God of the mountain and the God of the valley.

He sees everything
My Director, my Leader, my Guide
My instructor in righteousness.
He is the destroyer of all the enchantments
Made against my home;
He is my ALL.
Because He is my God
No weapon shall prevail against me.
He is my ROCK, I will never be shaken.
He is the God of the past,
The present and the future.
He is a righteous God,
Ever faithful.
He brings to conception
And brings to a safe delivery.
His word is Yea and Amen!

Truly, He is my Lord
His wishes are best
He must be obeyed
He must be trusted
He must be followed
He must be respected
He must be honoured
He must be listened to
He must be submitted to

Peter says, ‘Not so, Lord!
How is He Lord then?
If He is Lord,
Let Him be Lord indeed!






For the rest of the poems, purchase your copy of the E-book titled, “Insights Beyond the Poems” by clicking the link on OkadaBooks or on Amazon.