People crave for status, for high positions in the world
Both in secular and Christian services.
No one likes to play the second fiddle.
The second or the unpopular place is not for me.

You need to lead with love
Deep in your heart
A slave driver you dare not be
Lead with a heart to serve others
Humility, a needed quality.
We are called out to serve others.
Followers of Him
Who though is the Great shepherd’
Yet, was despised and rejected
By men He created
He was oppressed and afflicted
Yet He opened not His mouth. (Isa. 53:7)

Let this be your prayer
Lord, let me not be seen,
Known or heard
But help me to play my part
In building your Kingdom.






For the rest of the poems, purchase your copy of the E-book titled, “Insights Beyond the Poems” by clicking the link on OkadaBooks or on Amazon.